Course Syllabus

Sara M. Fawcett née Flowers, Ph.D.

Contacting Dr. Flowers and response time: Canvas message--within the day, MCHP email--only Mon-Fri and approximately within 48 hours.    

Greetings Writers!

Welcome to the Maine College of Health Professions! If this is your first college semester, congratulations! We are pleased to have you with us. If you are a returning student, we are glad to see you again. ENG 101 College Writing is the only course that you will see required of every student, at every college, for every degree. It is imperative that you know how to write. Every profession you could possibly enter is going to require that you know how to write a cohesive statement about your work, and will require you to understand the written work of others. With such an important task ahead of you, let us get started!

This semester we will discuss and write 4 essays in the 4 major genre that this college requires of its students. You will write a narrative, informative, persuasive, and research essay. You will see the natural progression as you write this semester. Each of the sessions you see in your online class navigation window are marked A, B, and C. This means we will address each of the four genres in three stages. Look at the advanced organizer and the posted assignments. You will begin to see a predictable flow of work.          

In session A of each of the genre, there will be the following materials:

  1. Reading from the Bullock, Goggin & Weinberg text,
  2. Discussion Forum prompt,
  3. Other activities appropriate to that genre,
  4. Submit the 3rd draft edits of the previous genre essay to the instructor via email (when applicable).

In session B of each of the genre, there will be the following materials:

  1. Reading student samples from “Academic Help” and/or past students,
  2. Complete the genre-specific worksheet assignment,
  3. Post your first draft of that week’s genre in a discussion forum,
  4. Other activities appropriate to that genre.

In session C of each of the genre, there will be the following materials:

  1. Read your peers’ first drafts,
  2. Post critique of peer’s first drafts,
  3. Submit your 2nd draft of that week’s genre to the instructor via email,
  4. Other activities appropriate to that genre.

My intention is that you will have a good sense of what to expect from day one and each week will feature predictable activities that allow you to organize your time. College writing courses are very reading and writing intensive. Time management is essential and personal organization will be key to completing all of the work. Please let me know if there are any questions about what is expected of you from week to week.

As an online class, we have the added challenge of maintaining our relationship to one another in a world where we do not get to see each other’s faces each week. In order to keep the dialog and collegiality moving, our weeks will start on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. Depending on that week’s activities, all assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the day indicated. My goal will be to review and grade your work on Mondays so we can start fresh on Tuesday mornings. Please let me know if you have any questions about online participation.

Thank you and welcome! I am looking forward to our semester!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due